Kole Yellow-Eye Tang Sml
Ctenochaetus strigosus
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*All Fish, Inverts and Coral ship next day UPS from Atlanta, Ga.
*Your order may not look like photo shown due to variety and size within a species.
Also called the Goldring Bristletooth, the Kole Tang is known for the yellow ring around their eye. The body is a burgundy color with thin pale horizontal lines.
The Kole Tang is mostly a docile fish that needs to be kept with peaceful tank mates. Have a well-established tank with plenty of live rock with natural algae growth. The Kole Tang will graze on the live rock and it will provide necessary shelter areas and swim pass-throughs.
Tangs will eat just about all fish foods; Ocean Nutrition Pellets are a perfect diet. Feed tangs with plenty of marine-based seaweed, as this will keep them healthy. Try putting seaweed on a veggie clip, or break into small pieces and feed 2-3 times per week. Ocean Nutrition Seaweed contains garlic which helps the immune system in these colorful fish.